How to Get Your (Social Insurance Number) SIN as a Newcomer

The Social Insurance Number or SIN is one of the first things you need to get when you arrive in Canada. Luckily, the process of getting it is easy.

What is the SIN?

The Social Insurance Number or SIN is a 9-digit number that represents your identity in the Canadian Government’s system. This number will give you access to the Canadian Government’s programs and benefits.

Why do you need a SIN?

The SIN is necessary for filing your income taxes. You will also need your SIN in the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). You cannot work legally in Canada without a SIN.

Are you qualified to get a SIN?

Anyone above the age of 12 who is eligible to work in Canada will need to apply for their SIN before they start working.

What Do You Need to Get Your SIN?

  • Passport
  • Certificate of Permanent Residence (COPR) or PR Card
  • Personal Information (see step 3)

***If you are a temporary resident (student or work visa), use your student or work permit instead of a COPR.

1. Go to a ServiceCanada Centre near you

Let them know that you need to get a new Social Insurance Number or SIN. There should be security personnel by the door to tell what to do next.

2. Give your information to the ServiceCanada employee

In the first step, an employee will ask for the purpose of your visit to the ServiceCanada Centre and ask for your name to be entered into the system. They may ask for your passport to confirm the spelling and to ask for proof of identity.

3. When your name is called, go to the cubicle to process the SIN

After the initial interview, you may have to wait while others who came before you are entertained by the employees processing the SIN. When your name is called, go to your designated cubicle and be prepared with your foreign passport and your COPR or permit.

In this step, the ServiceCanada employee will ask you again for your personal information including:

  • Your name
  • Your Canada address
  • Your parents’ names
  • They will also need your COPR/student permit/work permit and passport at this point.

After all your personal information has been added to the system, your fingerprint will be collected.

4. Wait for the Employee to Print your SIN Document

Lastly, before your SIN document is printed, the ServiceCanada employee should give you a chance to check your name. Make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Keep your SIN document in a secured location.

The piece of paper containing your SIN will be the only document you have as a proof that you have processed your SIN. Keep it safe at all times and make sure that other people cannot access it. If people with malicious intents get a hold of this paper, they can make transactions on your behalf. Keep it safe at all costs.

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