Terms of Use

CanadaStarterPack.com Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) govern the use of CanadaStarterPack.com

By using any of CanadaStarterPack.com’s digital services, you agree to comply with these terms of use as well as all applicable laws. These terms of use may be amended from time to time, so please come back to review them periodically: THEY CONSTITUTE A BINDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND THE CanadaStarterPack.com OWNERS.

CanadaStarterPack.com allows you to access a variety of public-interest content, for your information and entertainment. It also makes available a digital public space for sharing ideas, and comments and for participating in the community.

CanadaStarterPack.com is responsible for the content of its own productions and those it commissions. CanadaStarterPack.com must honour the agreements it has with its partners. To that end, no publication, reproduction or communication of such content to the public is authorized except in the specific cases set out in the federal Copyright Act, upon granting of a licence by CanadaStarterPack.com, or upon granting of clear permission for a particular subject or activity.

When you interact with CanadaStarterPack.com digital services, you are responsible for the content you contribute by any means, whether through comments, in discussion forums or in programming-related activities, such as contests, interactive activities and also including using third-party social media. You must follow the applicable laws and you must hold all of the required rights and authorizations to the content of your submissions, and you grant to CanadaStarterPack.com a licence to reproduce and broadcast it.


Specific terms apply to sites allowing discussion, including the requirement to register beforehand. The information gathered ensures transparency in public debate and accountability of participants. Information may also be used for statistical and informational analyses and public opinion trend monitoring, among other things. To learn more about how information is used, read our privacy policy.

If you access CanadaStarterPack.com digital services through third-parties’ platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or others, their terms of use apply in addition to the one of CanadaStarterPack.com.

CanadaStarterPack.com applies strict measures to protect the personal information that it collects. All personal information collected is governed by the federal Privacy Act. This protection may, however, be revoked should the legality of your communications be in question.

CanadaStarterPack.com uses third-party tracking technology to collect data about your device and use of our digital environments as well as for advertising. This data may be used to improve the performance of our various offerings as well as to show you relevant content and advertising based on your location and browsing history. By collecting information about what our audience turns to, shares or comments on, we are also able to develop new offerings that will be of interest to you. User data is also used for research, planning and reporting purposes.

We work with technology and advertising partners for digital analytics and targeted advertising. Technology partners involved in digital analytics are required to depersonalize users’ IP addresses. Advertising partners, which include social media platforms (e.g. Facebook), may install their own tracking technology in our digital environments in order to create anonymous user profiles and show you relevant advertising on their own and other websites.

Note that when you access our services through a social media platform or use certain of their functions embedded in our digital environments (e.g. “Like” and sharing buttons), their privacy policies apply.