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Canadian Hacked $7,000 via PayPal

A Canadian Reddit user reported their experience in r/scams about being scammed over $7,000. Reddit user u/Tefitef created a post on the subreddit about their ordeal with the scammers. The funny thing is that the poster sensed the scam coming early on.

It started as a wrong number SMS from an unknown international number:

It wasn’t until the following day that they realized what the scammers were up to:

Paypal wasn’t any help either, allegedly:

Luckily, this story has a happy ending:

While the story seems plausible, some are questioning whether tapping an image on your phone could really carry a script as potent as this scam suggests:

Another Reddit user is suggesting that the wrong number scam may be unrelated and that the OP may not be out of the woods yet:

If you are fearful of scammers getting to your funds like the person in this post, you should take precautionary measures when doing financial transactions. Here are some tips to keep your financial information secured:

Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Communications: Whether it’s emails, text messages, or phone calls, be cautious of any communication that you didn’t initiate. Scammers often use unsolicited messages to trick people into providing personal information or downloading malicious software.

Verify Requests for Personal Information: Legitimate organizations, such as banks or government agencies, will not typically ask you to provide sensitive information like passwords or Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) via email or phone. If you’re unsure about a request, contact the organization directly through their official website or phone number to verify its authenticity.

Regularly Monitor Your Financial Accounts: The poster above only managed to recover their money because they found the transaction on time. Make it a habit to check your bank and credit card statements daily or at least regularly. Look for any unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity, such as unexpected withdrawals or unfamiliar charges. Reporting any discrepancies to your financial institution promptly can help mitigate potential losses and prevent further unauthorized access to your accounts.

Avoid Suspicious Websites and Apps: Exercise caution when browsing the internet or downloading apps. Be wary of websites that have poor design, spelling or grammar errors, or suspicious URLs. Before entering any personal or financial information, verify the website’s legitimacy by checking for HTTPS encryption, reading reviews from other users, and ensuring the site belongs to a reputable organization. Similarly, only download apps from official app stores like Google Play or the Apple App Store, and carefully review the permissions requested by the app before installation to avoid potentially malicious software.

Report your experience to the authorities: Even if you manage to reverse the crime, you should still report potential scams to the authorities. The website suggests to the Anti-fraud Centre and the local government.